Jacqui's Blog

How to get the best out of your phone Reading

The best way to have a successful phone reading is not to worry about what you have to say, or not to say to me, but to ask the questions that you want to ask ranging from the most important first, to the not so important last.

Don't worry about whether your questions are important enough or not, because everything that you want to know about in your questions are important.

Be as clear as you can, please give your first and your last name and ideally ask me if you can send me your photo via text message to me as this will help the reading to be more accurate.

If I am doing readings for anyone who has lost a pet I will definitely be needing photos of the missing pet and the area - preferably the street that they went missing from.


Jacqui Lees Psychic Pet Detective!

Jacqui Lees is known as a psychic pet detective due to her remarkable ability to use her intuition to help find missing pets.

Pet Detective work - Come back Cocoa

Missing for three weeks, the distraught family of Cocoa the Siamese are taking extreme measures to get her back.